I’m writing this update to the 2022 guide season as I’m coming back from my own trip where I hired guides. Picked out lodging and travel. I’m definitely reminded that these things can be at times stressful especially when you’re visiting a place for the first time. I definitely picked up a couple tips and communication is key. We strive to make you feel comfortable when booking your trip. I love talking trout and talking about the places where we stay and eat. It’s really nice to be able to book a trip knowing pretty much there won’t be any crazy surprises.
This is not so much a forecast for 2023 but it’s more of a reflection on just how 2022 was. I can honestly say as a guide for 25 years that this last season was my best. Looking back, I definitely think some of it had to do with just being lucky on the weather. I also am blessed to work with hands down some of the best guides and outfitters in Canada and in Montana. These guides are not only friends but top guides that really don’t have egos. We push that all aside and build relationships that really helps the clients in the end. It’s a great competition that really pushes us all to get to the top of the guiding game.
I pray I never stop learning. If I’m honest that’s probably the one thing I love the most about guiding and fishing. You can’t ever stop learning and each day you will see something new. Big or small. This year we really got into some cool new patterns and the techniques to go with them. I can’t wait to try a couple things I learned from guides on the White River too.
In 2023 the Elk River looks to be back again for another amazing season. We’ve had three amazing years in a row and I kind of think the county being closed for covid did actually help the fish. Populations are incredible. Our snowpack is right where it should be this year and I’m really excited to see another epic dry fly season.
Last year was just consistently good. The terrestrials were consistently a major part of my day on the water. Hoppers and beetles. My two favorite hatches. We also had a strong stonefly season even into August. Our guides were coming off the water everyday feeling very proud.
We also had the best season I’ve ever seen on the Kootenay. I’m not going to talk too much about it as my competition hasn’t quite figured it out yet. But I’m very confident this 2023 season will be great. This is the first year where we are at 100 percent return rate from our clients. That’s just a blessing and I owe you all so much. Nothing better than having folks comeback year after year.
The small streams we fish out of Fernie in 2022 did not disappoint. We found more amazing beats for walk and wades. All the guides were really out there a lot on their days off as the water conditions were perfect right into October.
In 2023 I expect really good flows as well since our snowpack is so solid this winter.
Montana was excellent starting early in April. Once again just perfect water flows and temps right into mid-July. We generally don’t book anything on the Missouri or even recommend it after July 15. Things just get too hot for our ideal fishing conditions.
In 2022 the lower river bellow Craig was a blast. We had incredibly consistent fishing. Some really good streamer fishing and tons of dry fly fishing.
The upper section that we can only access with a jet boat is always good. Really tough to have a slow day. In 2023 there will also be less guides on the Land on the Giants section since they capped the number of boats they are permitting. We will be up there and I this year our trips start April 10th.
As always, we try to make sure our gear is the best. Last year we added a beautiful new G3 jet boat and we also added two new drift boats. Our selection of rods and reels is extensive and our regular clients hardly even bother bringing their own anymore. We are still getting only the best flies from Frestone and Solitude.
We still have some room for bookings in 2023. Just give me a call to discuss some options. Between Montana and Canada, we really do offer the best fishing options. We don’t try to talk you into anything but the choice dates. Our seasons are short. Might as well fish them in their prime.
Tight lines,
Jeff Mironuck